Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Things have a way of working out

Its almost 11 on Tuesday, and I have a grin on my face. Mathieu and I had a lenghty conversation this evening. The outcome of that conversation is we both still want to get to know more about eachother.

Granted I was always still interested, I respected the fact that he was hurt or disapointed in the events that transpired over the weekend. So without promiting he suggested that he would still like to get to know me more. I agreed, however stood firm that by doing so - I didn't want to have to feel like he did me a favor or that I was indebted to him for that. He assured me that was not the case!

So he's off to Frederiction tomorrow for work, but is going to phone me on the way home and we'll touch base and plan something for the evening :) YAY!

Here's a picture I stole of him on Sunday night with my phone when we went out for drinks (Isn't he a cutie!?)

So tonight after work - I decided that I needed to occupy my time with some productive activities, so I went for a walk/run along the river path and out into Dieppe, a good hour and 20 minutes and lots of sweat I felt amaizing and still do afterwards. I am going to make an attempt to get out again tomorrow after work and before Mat gets back to Moncton!

I feel really good about things! One day at a time, and one step at a time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Good things for Kyle!

and yes, he IS a cutie :)