Thursday, August 2, 2007

Greatness... Superfantastic Even!

So, I have started an addiction to people wanting to be on the "in" and knowing whats going on in my life, rather, The Saga of....

Yesterday was a pretty standard day looking the office, and what I accomplished. After work I thought back to some of the conversation that Mat and I had and remembered him mentioning that he looooove choclate. So, as most of you know how kind I am (HA!) I went and bought some Godiva choclates to kiss ass a little, I also went and replenished some of my missing wine from my rack.

On my way back home Mat called to let me know he was on his way back from Frederiction and would be in Moncton shortly before 7. We decided to go to dinner, so I had time to take a run shower and get ready.

Really, I am sorry as I continue this story because it is hardly as eventful as my weekend - But some of you are pushing for an update!

He picked me up (Yes, he even has a car - I hooked a keeper thus far!) and we headed off to dinner. Random conversation over dinner about his day, the jerk starts a new Job with the Provincial Gov, and scored his own office.... With walls.... and a door... AND a window.... I belive I told him I hoped a pipe burst in it over the weekend :) LOL - Someday I will have a window! SOMEDAY!

After dinner, we headed back to my place, and all we did was sit on my couch talked about anything and everything and had a few glasses of wine. (The great thing is the conversation is really doesn't feel like a struggle) Also, I am getting a chance to practice my French, I was encouraged to speak French for the evening. His Niece and Nephew both currently only speak French and it is important to him that if things did go further that I am able to (Isn't that the sweetest thing...Such a nice uncle) Around 10:30 he realized his Mom would be wondering how is day in Frederiction went, so he phoned her to tell her he was going to stay over with me :) since he had a few glasses of wine, which also gave us the opportunity to finish off the bottle.

Not an extreemly eventful night, but I am pleased with the outcome. This afternoon when I leave work I am going to give him a ring and maybe head out to Cocagne for a bit this evening.

Now... The twist of the day, which I don't believe I have mentioned yet. The position he starts on Tuesday is with the provincial Gov't therefore is located in Frederiction, so Suzanne, maybe you and I will get to do lunch more often if I visit!

PS - Gussy was in NFLD! For those of you who are interested I believe there is a photo circulating of him flashing the harbor in St. John's, I'll see if I can aquire a copy of it. Those of you reading this who are unaware who Dr. Gussy Gregg Gustovin III is, my advice to you is not to ask and pretend you are none the wiser!

Dr Gussy In the flesh (This is a picture from one of the many trips we've had to the wonderful port city, when Gus has surfaced after bangin the hookers up by Chipman Hill Suites and tired to get a free room at the Delta)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. I know that you might think it's a bore to update if you don't have any real juicy stories to share but all serious Kyle blog fans will agree with me when I say that updates are essential to us as they keep us connected in your exciting life. I mean why else do we care- I for one am SOOOOO living vicariously through you.