Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today is Officially Positive Day!

Who cares about my weekend!

It was fun, I spent time with great friends, had tones of laughs, smiles and good times.

SO, why is today positive day? Martin and I talk a lot when we're together about our lives, where we are career wise, relationship wise and such. We both have these huge goals and desires of where we want our lives to be. The only issue is we want all those things NOW! That starts the focus on what we don't have, and the negatives.

So I had a realization this morning in a reply to an Email, I am 26 years old, healthy, life long incredible friends, stable job, and I can continue! There are so many things in my life to be positive about. The things which are negative in my day to day life are minor compared to what could be.

So I have decided that today, for the entire 24 hour period I am going to focus on everything positive. It has already paid off - Kristin and I were chatting on MSN and she was in a bad mood. So the conversation turned to me being positive and so on. The conversation ended with the following lines..

Ward, Kyle [9:45 AM]:
Today is officially Positive day!

Killen, Kristin [9:45 AM]:

Killen, Kristin [9:45 AM]:
I'm now positive too!!

So - Smile, put your chin up, focus on the positive, the good and realize how lucky you really are to even be here!


Anonymous said...

Positive is boring.. the readers demand dirt!

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree we do like dirt :) but that was a nice uplifting entry. I felt better after reading about your positive day. Maybe I will try it...I mean if Kyle can be positive for a whole day then surely I can :) HAA HAA