Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows....

Well... Sunshine, Beer and Dinner?

Friday.... I took a vacation day, to which I woke up at 7:30 am... Oh well, I watched a little bit of discovery, and just relaxed. Dawn MSN'd me mid morning and invited me over to soak up some of the wonderful sun on her deck that afternoon, so I packed up my supplies, and headed over.

Yea, its SPF 8, and I really didn't get that much color. We sat outside for about 3 hours chatting away and catching some of the great sun that showed up for the day!

Then we headed off to Costco to pick up some chicken boobs, and Canadian Tire to hunt down a lawn mower for Dawn. The boob run was successful, the lawn mower has been post poned.

Then around 7:30ish Mat came into town, and we ran over to the mall to pick up a few of the pictures I had printed for him of the previous day at the Dunes. We decided to have dinner at Pastalli on the patio, great idea it was a wonderful evening. The wine was good, the food was splendid. After dinner we came back here and sat and chatted for a while. Then the reality of things started to sink in a little. All the greatness of this week was going to come to a screeching halt after he left tonight, the Uhaul was packed and he was scheduled to hit the road around 7:30 Saturday morning.

The song of the evening was 1973, by James Blunt. Mat got me to Download it and put it on Repeat :P

We layed on my bed and talked, he confuses me a little from time to time. I get the impression he is very interested in me. Then he'll tell me he isn't interested in a long distance relationship. However, the next line would be he wants to see where things go and where life takes us. He isn't ready to jump just yet (Which is fine, nor am I) I just am not sure what he is thinking, are things going to continue?

The boy made my eyes well up (although he didn't see and doesn't know) We layed on my bed, listening to 1973 over and over. Then he started to list off things he liked about me the qualities I had that made him smile and be attracted to me, as he is going through them the reality slid back in. I met someone who I feel fits really well with me, makes me smile, is attractive. But, alas, is leaving town permanently.

I've made a conscious choice again, I am disappointed he's left town, but, if things are meant to be, they will be. I am not going to let myself get overly upset over the present. I met someone really great and had a window of opportunity to get to know him which I think I used quite well.

Hopefully I get to Fredericton to visit over August :)

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