Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy B-Day Jen!

So this post is a little heavy on the pictures, I have been busy on my Vacation so far!

Monday brought my Birthday, as well as Kristins. Kristin and I spent the afternoon together just bumming around, went to lunch at Cafe Mosiaque (Highly recommend it) Then it was off to dinner at Sasha's. It was a great time, lots of laughs and photos, the waitress was a little stunned but we survived.

So I had a drink before anyone got there, is that a bad thing?

So the button says "Its my Birthday, and I'm and incredibly smart, exciting, good looking person!" I think it hits the nail on the head don't you?

The nice lady at the table beside us offered to shoot a pic of the table :) Thanks Nice lady!

Beth and I had a "Model" pose picture from ages ago at an xwave Christmas party, so we figured we'd revive the pose.

Aren't they cuties?

Kristin had a few of these to knock back, surprised the eyes are open in this shot!

Jen and Matt, Jen is old TODAY! See the story below :)

Scott threatened me, that I best not post bad pictures, I think he caught a few awful ones of me on his phone.

Surprisingly enough, this isn't a half bad picture of me! Oh Dawn looks nice too.

After the birthday dinners, Martin and I headed to Starbucks to grab a coffee, in transit I got a call from Dawn, and Roger was stopping over to her place so she wanted me to come over and visit, finally I got to meet the infamous Roger, whom I whole heatedly approve of :) (Martin approved too!)

Yesterday I pretty much just hung out around the house, relaxing then headed off for a massage around 12:45. On the way to my massage I was sitting at a stop light on Main street, and I somewhat felt that I was being stared at, then this truck turns in front of me and the guy driving just about fell out the window staring at me. I was flattered, yet somewhat creeped out. Then I realized who it was, HA! Damn!

It was an ex of Martin's from before he and I became friends, we know who each other is but never have actually layed eyes on each other. Somewhat amusing, but at least it could have been someone that I had a chance with who would bother to check me out! :P

Tuesday night brought me to spend some quality time with Beth and catch up a little, we headed to Mosiaque to have a coffee/hot chocolate and chat, then we took a drive to see the lot where her and Dom are going to build their house.

After I got home I was chatting with Martin, and decided I wanted to go up to the most beautiful lots in Moncton to take a picture of the city at night.

Could you imagine having your home on these lots, what a view! We were up there for about a half hour trying to pick out landmarks, I am able to accomplish that task quite well during the day, at night it was a bit more difficult. As we stood there looking over the city playing with my camera we got bored and decided to play with my settings. Below are two shots of Martin and I with a slow shutter speed and the headlights of his car, I've edited the photos to Black and White, I like em - He doesn't but he said maybe that's cause I am a photo guy that I like them :P

This morning brings me relaxing again, and I stopped into work to have some cake for Jen's Birthday! (What a lot of August birthdays, lots of Christmas Holiday sex went on in the 70s and 80s apparently!!)

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

The rest of my afternoon entails a date with Drew at 3 for my hair, which is in desperate need of a change, we have been negotiating on MSN over the morning what I want and what I am allowed to do - Martin has already overruled one of my choices I made :( Because the guy in the picture was "Blond and in his 20s" apparently I can't pull it off :( THEN Drew had the balls to agree with him :(

Tonight Mar and I are going to head off to see "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry" I have two free movie passes, so why not!

Vacation thus far - AWESOME, Relaxing, getting lots done & Enjoying myself!

Sorry the drama has slowed down; who knows what my weekend will bring! :P

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