Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Tuesday, bloody Tuesday....

Lesley, a girl I used to work with AGES ago, likely around 7 when we were still MITI was in town (We still keep in touch) so her and I went out to dinner last evening at Kramers (Bad idea, it did wonders on my system!) We caught up on the goings on in our lives and ended the evening with a Starbucks drink :)

Today was a relatively busy day at work. I am assigned some of my time to Kristin's current project she's PMing and its keeping me busy busy the last few days, but busy is good :) Mid way through the day I logged into my hotmail and saw I had an Email from Mat...... At the time I was talking with Kristin on internal MSN.... I was nervous to open the message... After her coaxing and her desire to know what was in the message I clicked on it.

The message was generic, written in french. Giving me his new work Email address, his new home phone (Which is Rogers I might add.... He loses points for that!) and his street address in Fredericton. So I replied to his Email and said I'd give him a ring tonight to chat.

We spoke on the phone for about 20 minutes, it was a pretty generic conversation, and I wanted to broach the subject about what happened on Sunday - But didn't. After the call ended I sent him a text message off, asking if he would be interested to go to Halifax to see the Buskers this weekend - 30 seconds later my phone rang. He wasn't too sure about going to the Buskers because he intended on staying in Fred for the weekend, but did invite me there. So I thought it was a good opportunity to braze the subject about Sunday's events.

We both seriously misunderstood each other, he took the fact of me going to the bar as throwing in the towel and not being interested (Which we all know wasn't the case) and I took him being possessive over me where really he was assuming I was throwing the towel in and he was a little hurt.

We both exchanged some very honest and open conversation about things, and got a clearer picture of things.

My food arrived and Mat was getting hungry, so we decided to put the conversation on hold and I am going to call him back in a few hours and we'll pick things up..... Looking positive again :)

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