Monday, August 27, 2007

Superfantastic Weekend!

I am beginning to really enjoy the whole positive thing, and not expending any effort looking for someone.

Friday was rainy and someone depressing of a day, Kristin had asked me to go for drinks after work. Which I totally didn't feel like so I decided to go home after work and have a nap. Mid way through my nap my cell phone woke me up. My buddy Serge had called and asked if I wanted to do something after supper... So I said sure, and went back to my nap. About 20 minutes after that he phoned back and we decided we'd go to supper. So we headed up to Mikes on Mountain and had some supper, and a beer to start the weekend off right. After dinner we weighed our options of what to do, we decided that a movie rental was in order, and a movie that didn't require any thinking. Norbit it was!

On the way to rent the movie, Serge got a phone call from his buddy Albert, asking what he was up to. Serge said he and I were going to catch the movie and to come on over, so Albert came over to Serge's to watch the movie, and brought along his friend Jean-Rene (Both whom I have never met) The movie provided a few good laughs and lots of chatting and conversations afterwards. We decided that a Saturday night event sh0uld be planed!

My initial thoughts of the guys were they were extremely nice, mellow sensible people, and Jean-Rene was exceptionally cute ;) !!

Around 12:30 we all parted ways and went home.... Now! We all know how much of a facebook junkie I am. When I got home I went onto Serge's facebook, found Albert, added him, then found Jean-Rene and tossed him on my facebook. To my suprise both were facebook junkies as well, it wasn't 10 minutes and they accepted the add! So we added each other on to all the MSN lists. Very random conversations ended with Jean-Rene mentioning he hoped he got to see me on Sat night at Serge's :) ..... Excellent!

Saturday, I was up around 730, headed to the market and got a few errands done. Then chatted on MSN a while with Jean-Rene and Albert, as well as Martin. Martin said if I was interested I should ask Jean-Rene on a date sooner then later before someone else snatched him up. My intention was to do so after the party at Serge's, but I decided to take Martins advice and ask him sooner then later............

So I suggested he and I go for dinner or coffee, and he thought that was a great idea! :D Then we started tossing around when we could go.... His weekdays are pretty hard to gauge, as he is on call with his job currently pretty much all day through the week (After 8 he doesn't HAVE to answer the call thou) So we decided we'd do super that night, provided he wasn't able to go sky driving (It was a big cloudy) I was off to the movies and lunch with a buddy of mine so I said I'd touch base with him after that.

We went to see "Superbad" it was good - I would recommend it, some crude sexual high school humor, but some good laughs!

After the movie, I gave Jean-Rene a call, but there was no answer, so I assumed he was able to jump - So I proceeded to make other plans for my dinner. Phoned up Martin, Phil & Shelley and decide the 4 of us would go for dinner (After checking out P&S's new kitchen - WOW is all I have to say what an AWESOME kitchen they have now!!!!) So the 4 of us went to Calactus and then Mar and I headed to Serge's for the night of debauchery! LOL

7 of us hung out at Serge's with some beers, and out on the patio. Serge lives downtown as well near some sketchy hooker infested areas. As the 7 of us were hanging out on the balcony a hooker was on the street and kept flashing her hoots at us (The poor thing, I think she expected some hoops and hollers out of us.... We all just kinda looked then went back to our conversations - Wrong audience sweetie!!)

The evening proceeded and we decided to head down to Navigators for a few beer there, which turned into us getting a round of "Upper Cuts" what a great shot that was!

Martin, Albert, Me, Serge, Jean-Rene with our "Upper Cuts"

The waitress at Nav's was a royal bitch so we decided to move our gathering down to Doc's (Where the waitress was awesome - She's on my facebook now! Yay Ashley!) They had a special on $1 shots, so Ashley brought us a tray of 35.......

We had some "I can't Believe its not Baileys", "Windex", "Pinesol", and "Mr. Clean" They were a buck for a reason - But fun none the less!

Martin, Howie, Albert, Serge, Jean-Rene, Me & Luc with The cheep ass shots.

Martin, Howie, Albert, Serge, Jean-Rene, Me & Luc with The cheep ass shots.

Jean-Rene, Myself, Luc & Martin - We had 35 to finish!

Jean-Rene, Me, Luc, Martin - Knock em back!

I think I was naming the shots here - They came with no name, I got creative!

The evening continued down to Pizza girls so Luc and Jean-Rene could get some eats. To where the evening ended, and began the following morning at the Colonial Inn for breakfast. Serve, Jean-Rene, Martin and myself were the only ones who made it there for Breaky.

Sunday continued with Serge, Howie, Albert and myself taking a road trip to Fredericton on the back back back roads, had some supper at the Diplomat, and hopped the highway home. I was sore from laughing when I got home, from Howie holding up the "Nice Rack" and "Next Exit" signs at cars, to the burping contest, and the sing alongs - Great times!

Got back into Moncton around 8:30 from the roadtrip - Headed to Martins to catch some of the Sunday night line up and chat about the weekend, and back home around 9:30, to shower, decompress from my weekend and get ready for another Monday Chez Vous. Pour Vous!

The pics in the blog today are from Jean-Rene's camera - Mine are at home and I was too lazy to upload them (I'll get some up on Facebook tonight!)

Positive is the way to go!!!

Oh... Serge and I rode the deer at City hall too :o


Anonymous said...

You drove all the way to Fredericton to go to the Diplomat?! hahaha thats awsome.. although i could think of some better resturants in Fton

Anonymous said...

That poor animal! LOL

Anonymous said...

Positive is the only way to be~ Hopefully your Superfantastic weekend turns into a Superfantastic week!!
I'm loving the fact that all the positivity is working out so nicely. It makes for a great blog :)

J-R is very cute- if I was at work with you now I'd be humming the theme music to Dallas...LOL