Monday, September 3, 2007

Labour Day Weekend

Well my week has been fantastic!

--End of Blog--

Well, I suppose I can write some about it :) Monday night I got a chance to talk to Jean-Rene on MSN, and suggested that we go for a walk, which he agreed would be a good idea. So he came over and we took a stroll for just over an hour along the riverfront path, which was really the first time we got to spend together alone (and sober) It was really nice, we had the chance to talk a bit more (and I had the chance to get more of my 500 questions out) Then we came back to my place, had a glass of water, caught and episode of The Simpsons - Then he headed home.

Tuesday evening brought my bike out to U de M with Martin, and boy did I ever find a mud puddle - I was covered from head to toe in mud (As is my bike) It was awesome, I really enjoyed it!

Wednesday night Jean-Rene and I had plans to get out for supper, the plans were not solid or formed, but we none-the-less had some plans. He popped on MSN around 530 and asked if I was still up for dinner (I love the fact that I am not doing all the planing and follow ups and chasing, its so cool) So we ended up doing supper at Cavo Des Vins, which was given a GREAT rating in the paper, however sucked huge ass! The company was great! The food and atmosphere were sub par! The evening wrapped up with us both calling it a semi early evening because he had to do rounds at 6:50 on Thursday, and I was off to Saint John at 7am. (Its really nice to meet someone who has commitments, other then when the next time he can get drunk will be!)

Thursday I was off to the John bright and early with Kristin, she asked about my date the previous night. She was somewhat disappointed that things were going so well, my story was pretty tame compared to some of the stories from Nutty Nut Bar and Nutty Nut Bar the 2nd, and some of the crazies of the past. Don't get me wrong she was really happy for me; its just my story was pretty boring (In comparison to getting dumped at 8am in bed) Thursday was a remarkably productive day at work, and I got a chance to talk to Jean-Rene briefly on MSN. He suggested that Saturday night we see each other and he'd cook me supper!

Friday, Martin and I were off to Jean-Gille's party; Matt (Martin's Ex) Wanted to join us, so Martin and I went to Mikes restaurant for supper, then off to Matt's to pick him up. Martin was worried because Matt and I had never met before, and wasn't 100% sure we would hit it off as friends (Being as thou we both have intense personalities) Within the first 30 minutes we were good pals (Well ganging up on poor little Martin, making a few cracks at him having a great time) We had a couple of drinks at Martins, then off to Sackville for JG's event, and headed back to Moncton around Midnight because Martin and I both wanted to be able to get up in the morning (I had briefly talked to Jean-Rene Friday night and mentioned I was going to go to the Market, he suggested it would be fun, so I invited him along)

Matt and crazy chick @ Party

Jean-Gilles, Martin H, Martin P & Matt

Saturday I got up, and headed off to Jean-Rene's to pick him up and head to the market, we had some breakfast there, then paroosed the booths, and headed back to his place. I hung out with him for 20 minutes then came back home (He had A LOT of reading he had to get done for next weekend) After the Market I stopped over to Serges and he, Luc and I went for a random drive around the city. Then I headed home to get ready for supper with Jean-Rene. Super was fantastic, it was curry beef with rice, which he made all himself (Well It was in a pot, he did a good job of hiding the take out containers if he did buy it) I got the opportunity to meet his roommate as well Marc-Andre (There are TOOO many hyphenated names in this blog!) His roommate was a really nice, personable guy! Jean-Rene and I had a great evening together, finished some of the wine from supper and just enjoyed each others company. I had suggested I better get home at one point, where I was told that I wasn't allowed to :) So the supper turned into us looking for a place to have breakfast on Sunday morning - That proved to be more difficult then we though, and ended in us buying eggs and bread from the shell by his place and making our own breakfast!

Sunday afternoon I went over to Riverview and spent some time with Phil and Shelley prepping their new floor in the kitchen to be layed, then decided we would go grab a chai latte (Jean-Rene told me to try one and advised me I would love it; I was skeptical), before I headed out for the latte Jean-Rene messaged me and invited me to go play some Texas Hold `Em with some of the guys he works with (Before I could fully thought process that, I said SURE - Then realized I had no sweet clue how to play!) Phil, Shel and I went to get our Lattes at Starbucks and I went and found "Texas Hold `Em for Dummies" fully admitting to myself that the $10 buy in was LONG gone before I even went to play! After the lattes, I was off to Serges for a BBQ, home to shower, then off to meet Jean-Rene to go play poker (At Jean-Phillippes house, oh yes, another hyphen!) The guys were all really nice, however I admittedly got a little lost in the conversations a few times. 7 french guys, 1 french girl and me. 6 of the 7 guys work at the hospital with Jean-Rene so the conversation steered into the medical chat a bit, mixed with the french (I was in over my head) It was great, I lost my 10 bucks, Jean-Rene came in third, then back to his place. Where I mentioned I was going to head home, and was told once again that I should stay (How awesome of a weekend was this so far!)

Monday morning, brought us to the breakfast dilemma yet again, which we solved with at Steve's Diner - Then I took him back home so he could finish more of his reading! I was back to Phil and Shels to finish the floor install. Then supper with them, and off to Martin's for some tea, wine and HUGE catching up since we hadn't seen each other since Friday night.

I am so handy!

Which brings me to now - 11PM (An hour of blog writing, mixed with chatting) Jean-Rene and I have no solid plans when we're going to see each other again, but it will be sometime this week, as anal as I am with my planning, I am SO relaxed and comfortable with things its not even funny!!

The 91% finished floor!

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