Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday To ME... And Kristin...

An avid reader got to meet me in Person!
Ok.. So its just Krista, and she was drinking

The weekends have proven to be my highlights of this blog, and avid readers. I will not let you down from this weekend!

Well lets see, Mat and I decided to give things a try, yet again! My options for the weekend were to head to Halifax to catch some of the Buskers since I still have a free Friday night at a Delta. or I could go toFrederiction and spend the weekend with Mat. I choose to head west and vist with Mat.

I took off Friday after work, got to see his new place. He told me he was very excited that I was able to come up and he was glad to see me, as was I. We went to the Blue Door for supper, it was a great meal. I offered to pick up the tab (We have a habit of bouncing the tab back and forth, so I was okay with it) The rest of the options for the night were to go out and dance a little or just hang out at home. We decided to go to the liquor store and pick up a few things. In the log run we decided to relax at his place and have a bit of wine we were both tired and he mentioned we could go out on Sat night.

Saturday morning, I awoke to Mat with a pensive look in his eyes... Saying "Kyle, so, I've been thinking...." To which my reply was "Yes..... about...."

Where he decides to tell me, "I don't think this is really what I am looking for" and he had thought obout it for a few days... BUT let me drive to Frederiction... and pay for dinner.. OH OH... It gets good.... "So, do you want to go for Breakfast anyway?!" My CHRIST... When I realize or have the idea someone is a nutbar I should stick with my initial thoughts!

So I headed home Sat AM. Made a few phone calls, some of the girls I went to High School with were going to be in town so I made some plans to catch up with them, and Martin came along as well :)

The night was grand lots of laughs, Mar didn't have such a good night. So I devoted my Sunday to cheering him up.. We drove aimlessly around, ended up at Jost, talked a lot, picked up some food in Amherst to bring homeand cook, watched Shooter, and a bit of Family guy and came home and crashed out!

Now, I am posting this, going to toss a few images here and up on Facebook and Kristin and I are giong to have a Birthday afternoon! She's 29 today and I'm 26! Woo

Vacation starts today - So hopefully I keep busy and have a few more things to update ya'll with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saturday was awesome! I know you had a shitty morning, but the day definately got better! I'm glad you were around to help celebrate my apartment warming!