Monday, September 3, 2007

Labour Day Weekend

Well my week has been fantastic!

--End of Blog--

Well, I suppose I can write some about it :) Monday night I got a chance to talk to Jean-Rene on MSN, and suggested that we go for a walk, which he agreed would be a good idea. So he came over and we took a stroll for just over an hour along the riverfront path, which was really the first time we got to spend together alone (and sober) It was really nice, we had the chance to talk a bit more (and I had the chance to get more of my 500 questions out) Then we came back to my place, had a glass of water, caught and episode of The Simpsons - Then he headed home.

Tuesday evening brought my bike out to U de M with Martin, and boy did I ever find a mud puddle - I was covered from head to toe in mud (As is my bike) It was awesome, I really enjoyed it!

Wednesday night Jean-Rene and I had plans to get out for supper, the plans were not solid or formed, but we none-the-less had some plans. He popped on MSN around 530 and asked if I was still up for dinner (I love the fact that I am not doing all the planing and follow ups and chasing, its so cool) So we ended up doing supper at Cavo Des Vins, which was given a GREAT rating in the paper, however sucked huge ass! The company was great! The food and atmosphere were sub par! The evening wrapped up with us both calling it a semi early evening because he had to do rounds at 6:50 on Thursday, and I was off to Saint John at 7am. (Its really nice to meet someone who has commitments, other then when the next time he can get drunk will be!)

Thursday I was off to the John bright and early with Kristin, she asked about my date the previous night. She was somewhat disappointed that things were going so well, my story was pretty tame compared to some of the stories from Nutty Nut Bar and Nutty Nut Bar the 2nd, and some of the crazies of the past. Don't get me wrong she was really happy for me; its just my story was pretty boring (In comparison to getting dumped at 8am in bed) Thursday was a remarkably productive day at work, and I got a chance to talk to Jean-Rene briefly on MSN. He suggested that Saturday night we see each other and he'd cook me supper!

Friday, Martin and I were off to Jean-Gille's party; Matt (Martin's Ex) Wanted to join us, so Martin and I went to Mikes restaurant for supper, then off to Matt's to pick him up. Martin was worried because Matt and I had never met before, and wasn't 100% sure we would hit it off as friends (Being as thou we both have intense personalities) Within the first 30 minutes we were good pals (Well ganging up on poor little Martin, making a few cracks at him having a great time) We had a couple of drinks at Martins, then off to Sackville for JG's event, and headed back to Moncton around Midnight because Martin and I both wanted to be able to get up in the morning (I had briefly talked to Jean-Rene Friday night and mentioned I was going to go to the Market, he suggested it would be fun, so I invited him along)

Matt and crazy chick @ Party

Jean-Gilles, Martin H, Martin P & Matt

Saturday I got up, and headed off to Jean-Rene's to pick him up and head to the market, we had some breakfast there, then paroosed the booths, and headed back to his place. I hung out with him for 20 minutes then came back home (He had A LOT of reading he had to get done for next weekend) After the Market I stopped over to Serges and he, Luc and I went for a random drive around the city. Then I headed home to get ready for supper with Jean-Rene. Super was fantastic, it was curry beef with rice, which he made all himself (Well It was in a pot, he did a good job of hiding the take out containers if he did buy it) I got the opportunity to meet his roommate as well Marc-Andre (There are TOOO many hyphenated names in this blog!) His roommate was a really nice, personable guy! Jean-Rene and I had a great evening together, finished some of the wine from supper and just enjoyed each others company. I had suggested I better get home at one point, where I was told that I wasn't allowed to :) So the supper turned into us looking for a place to have breakfast on Sunday morning - That proved to be more difficult then we though, and ended in us buying eggs and bread from the shell by his place and making our own breakfast!

Sunday afternoon I went over to Riverview and spent some time with Phil and Shelley prepping their new floor in the kitchen to be layed, then decided we would go grab a chai latte (Jean-Rene told me to try one and advised me I would love it; I was skeptical), before I headed out for the latte Jean-Rene messaged me and invited me to go play some Texas Hold `Em with some of the guys he works with (Before I could fully thought process that, I said SURE - Then realized I had no sweet clue how to play!) Phil, Shel and I went to get our Lattes at Starbucks and I went and found "Texas Hold `Em for Dummies" fully admitting to myself that the $10 buy in was LONG gone before I even went to play! After the lattes, I was off to Serges for a BBQ, home to shower, then off to meet Jean-Rene to go play poker (At Jean-Phillippes house, oh yes, another hyphen!) The guys were all really nice, however I admittedly got a little lost in the conversations a few times. 7 french guys, 1 french girl and me. 6 of the 7 guys work at the hospital with Jean-Rene so the conversation steered into the medical chat a bit, mixed with the french (I was in over my head) It was great, I lost my 10 bucks, Jean-Rene came in third, then back to his place. Where I mentioned I was going to head home, and was told once again that I should stay (How awesome of a weekend was this so far!)

Monday morning, brought us to the breakfast dilemma yet again, which we solved with at Steve's Diner - Then I took him back home so he could finish more of his reading! I was back to Phil and Shels to finish the floor install. Then supper with them, and off to Martin's for some tea, wine and HUGE catching up since we hadn't seen each other since Friday night.

I am so handy!

Which brings me to now - 11PM (An hour of blog writing, mixed with chatting) Jean-Rene and I have no solid plans when we're going to see each other again, but it will be sometime this week, as anal as I am with my planning, I am SO relaxed and comfortable with things its not even funny!!

The 91% finished floor!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Superfantastic Weekend!

I am beginning to really enjoy the whole positive thing, and not expending any effort looking for someone.

Friday was rainy and someone depressing of a day, Kristin had asked me to go for drinks after work. Which I totally didn't feel like so I decided to go home after work and have a nap. Mid way through my nap my cell phone woke me up. My buddy Serge had called and asked if I wanted to do something after supper... So I said sure, and went back to my nap. About 20 minutes after that he phoned back and we decided we'd go to supper. So we headed up to Mikes on Mountain and had some supper, and a beer to start the weekend off right. After dinner we weighed our options of what to do, we decided that a movie rental was in order, and a movie that didn't require any thinking. Norbit it was!

On the way to rent the movie, Serge got a phone call from his buddy Albert, asking what he was up to. Serge said he and I were going to catch the movie and to come on over, so Albert came over to Serge's to watch the movie, and brought along his friend Jean-Rene (Both whom I have never met) The movie provided a few good laughs and lots of chatting and conversations afterwards. We decided that a Saturday night event sh0uld be planed!

My initial thoughts of the guys were they were extremely nice, mellow sensible people, and Jean-Rene was exceptionally cute ;) !!

Around 12:30 we all parted ways and went home.... Now! We all know how much of a facebook junkie I am. When I got home I went onto Serge's facebook, found Albert, added him, then found Jean-Rene and tossed him on my facebook. To my suprise both were facebook junkies as well, it wasn't 10 minutes and they accepted the add! So we added each other on to all the MSN lists. Very random conversations ended with Jean-Rene mentioning he hoped he got to see me on Sat night at Serge's :) ..... Excellent!

Saturday, I was up around 730, headed to the market and got a few errands done. Then chatted on MSN a while with Jean-Rene and Albert, as well as Martin. Martin said if I was interested I should ask Jean-Rene on a date sooner then later before someone else snatched him up. My intention was to do so after the party at Serge's, but I decided to take Martins advice and ask him sooner then later............

So I suggested he and I go for dinner or coffee, and he thought that was a great idea! :D Then we started tossing around when we could go.... His weekdays are pretty hard to gauge, as he is on call with his job currently pretty much all day through the week (After 8 he doesn't HAVE to answer the call thou) So we decided we'd do super that night, provided he wasn't able to go sky driving (It was a big cloudy) I was off to the movies and lunch with a buddy of mine so I said I'd touch base with him after that.

We went to see "Superbad" it was good - I would recommend it, some crude sexual high school humor, but some good laughs!

After the movie, I gave Jean-Rene a call, but there was no answer, so I assumed he was able to jump - So I proceeded to make other plans for my dinner. Phoned up Martin, Phil & Shelley and decide the 4 of us would go for dinner (After checking out P&S's new kitchen - WOW is all I have to say what an AWESOME kitchen they have now!!!!) So the 4 of us went to Calactus and then Mar and I headed to Serge's for the night of debauchery! LOL

7 of us hung out at Serge's with some beers, and out on the patio. Serge lives downtown as well near some sketchy hooker infested areas. As the 7 of us were hanging out on the balcony a hooker was on the street and kept flashing her hoots at us (The poor thing, I think she expected some hoops and hollers out of us.... We all just kinda looked then went back to our conversations - Wrong audience sweetie!!)

The evening proceeded and we decided to head down to Navigators for a few beer there, which turned into us getting a round of "Upper Cuts" what a great shot that was!

Martin, Albert, Me, Serge, Jean-Rene with our "Upper Cuts"

The waitress at Nav's was a royal bitch so we decided to move our gathering down to Doc's (Where the waitress was awesome - She's on my facebook now! Yay Ashley!) They had a special on $1 shots, so Ashley brought us a tray of 35.......

We had some "I can't Believe its not Baileys", "Windex", "Pinesol", and "Mr. Clean" They were a buck for a reason - But fun none the less!

Martin, Howie, Albert, Serge, Jean-Rene, Me & Luc with The cheep ass shots.

Martin, Howie, Albert, Serge, Jean-Rene, Me & Luc with The cheep ass shots.

Jean-Rene, Myself, Luc & Martin - We had 35 to finish!

Jean-Rene, Me, Luc, Martin - Knock em back!

I think I was naming the shots here - They came with no name, I got creative!

The evening continued down to Pizza girls so Luc and Jean-Rene could get some eats. To where the evening ended, and began the following morning at the Colonial Inn for breakfast. Serve, Jean-Rene, Martin and myself were the only ones who made it there for Breaky.

Sunday continued with Serge, Howie, Albert and myself taking a road trip to Fredericton on the back back back roads, had some supper at the Diplomat, and hopped the highway home. I was sore from laughing when I got home, from Howie holding up the "Nice Rack" and "Next Exit" signs at cars, to the burping contest, and the sing alongs - Great times!

Got back into Moncton around 8:30 from the roadtrip - Headed to Martins to catch some of the Sunday night line up and chat about the weekend, and back home around 9:30, to shower, decompress from my weekend and get ready for another Monday Chez Vous. Pour Vous!

The pics in the blog today are from Jean-Rene's camera - Mine are at home and I was too lazy to upload them (I'll get some up on Facebook tonight!)

Positive is the way to go!!!

Oh... Serge and I rode the deer at City hall too :o

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today is Officially Positive Day!

Who cares about my weekend!

It was fun, I spent time with great friends, had tones of laughs, smiles and good times.

SO, why is today positive day? Martin and I talk a lot when we're together about our lives, where we are career wise, relationship wise and such. We both have these huge goals and desires of where we want our lives to be. The only issue is we want all those things NOW! That starts the focus on what we don't have, and the negatives.

So I had a realization this morning in a reply to an Email, I am 26 years old, healthy, life long incredible friends, stable job, and I can continue! There are so many things in my life to be positive about. The things which are negative in my day to day life are minor compared to what could be.

So I have decided that today, for the entire 24 hour period I am going to focus on everything positive. It has already paid off - Kristin and I were chatting on MSN and she was in a bad mood. So the conversation turned to me being positive and so on. The conversation ended with the following lines..

Ward, Kyle [9:45 AM]:
Today is officially Positive day!

Killen, Kristin [9:45 AM]:

Killen, Kristin [9:45 AM]:
I'm now positive too!!

So - Smile, put your chin up, focus on the positive, the good and realize how lucky you really are to even be here!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy B-Day Jen!

So this post is a little heavy on the pictures, I have been busy on my Vacation so far!

Monday brought my Birthday, as well as Kristins. Kristin and I spent the afternoon together just bumming around, went to lunch at Cafe Mosiaque (Highly recommend it) Then it was off to dinner at Sasha's. It was a great time, lots of laughs and photos, the waitress was a little stunned but we survived.

So I had a drink before anyone got there, is that a bad thing?

So the button says "Its my Birthday, and I'm and incredibly smart, exciting, good looking person!" I think it hits the nail on the head don't you?

The nice lady at the table beside us offered to shoot a pic of the table :) Thanks Nice lady!

Beth and I had a "Model" pose picture from ages ago at an xwave Christmas party, so we figured we'd revive the pose.

Aren't they cuties?

Kristin had a few of these to knock back, surprised the eyes are open in this shot!

Jen and Matt, Jen is old TODAY! See the story below :)

Scott threatened me, that I best not post bad pictures, I think he caught a few awful ones of me on his phone.

Surprisingly enough, this isn't a half bad picture of me! Oh Dawn looks nice too.

After the birthday dinners, Martin and I headed to Starbucks to grab a coffee, in transit I got a call from Dawn, and Roger was stopping over to her place so she wanted me to come over and visit, finally I got to meet the infamous Roger, whom I whole heatedly approve of :) (Martin approved too!)

Yesterday I pretty much just hung out around the house, relaxing then headed off for a massage around 12:45. On the way to my massage I was sitting at a stop light on Main street, and I somewhat felt that I was being stared at, then this truck turns in front of me and the guy driving just about fell out the window staring at me. I was flattered, yet somewhat creeped out. Then I realized who it was, HA! Damn!

It was an ex of Martin's from before he and I became friends, we know who each other is but never have actually layed eyes on each other. Somewhat amusing, but at least it could have been someone that I had a chance with who would bother to check me out! :P

Tuesday night brought me to spend some quality time with Beth and catch up a little, we headed to Mosiaque to have a coffee/hot chocolate and chat, then we took a drive to see the lot where her and Dom are going to build their house.

After I got home I was chatting with Martin, and decided I wanted to go up to the most beautiful lots in Moncton to take a picture of the city at night.

Could you imagine having your home on these lots, what a view! We were up there for about a half hour trying to pick out landmarks, I am able to accomplish that task quite well during the day, at night it was a bit more difficult. As we stood there looking over the city playing with my camera we got bored and decided to play with my settings. Below are two shots of Martin and I with a slow shutter speed and the headlights of his car, I've edited the photos to Black and White, I like em - He doesn't but he said maybe that's cause I am a photo guy that I like them :P

This morning brings me relaxing again, and I stopped into work to have some cake for Jen's Birthday! (What a lot of August birthdays, lots of Christmas Holiday sex went on in the 70s and 80s apparently!!)

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

The rest of my afternoon entails a date with Drew at 3 for my hair, which is in desperate need of a change, we have been negotiating on MSN over the morning what I want and what I am allowed to do - Martin has already overruled one of my choices I made :( Because the guy in the picture was "Blond and in his 20s" apparently I can't pull it off :( THEN Drew had the balls to agree with him :(

Tonight Mar and I are going to head off to see "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry" I have two free movie passes, so why not!

Vacation thus far - AWESOME, Relaxing, getting lots done & Enjoying myself!

Sorry the drama has slowed down; who knows what my weekend will bring! :P

Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday To ME... And Kristin...

An avid reader got to meet me in Person!
Ok.. So its just Krista, and she was drinking

The weekends have proven to be my highlights of this blog, and avid readers. I will not let you down from this weekend!

Well lets see, Mat and I decided to give things a try, yet again! My options for the weekend were to head to Halifax to catch some of the Buskers since I still have a free Friday night at a Delta. or I could go toFrederiction and spend the weekend with Mat. I choose to head west and vist with Mat.

I took off Friday after work, got to see his new place. He told me he was very excited that I was able to come up and he was glad to see me, as was I. We went to the Blue Door for supper, it was a great meal. I offered to pick up the tab (We have a habit of bouncing the tab back and forth, so I was okay with it) The rest of the options for the night were to go out and dance a little or just hang out at home. We decided to go to the liquor store and pick up a few things. In the log run we decided to relax at his place and have a bit of wine we were both tired and he mentioned we could go out on Sat night.

Saturday morning, I awoke to Mat with a pensive look in his eyes... Saying "Kyle, so, I've been thinking...." To which my reply was "Yes..... about...."

Where he decides to tell me, "I don't think this is really what I am looking for" and he had thought obout it for a few days... BUT let me drive to Frederiction... and pay for dinner.. OH OH... It gets good.... "So, do you want to go for Breakfast anyway?!" My CHRIST... When I realize or have the idea someone is a nutbar I should stick with my initial thoughts!

So I headed home Sat AM. Made a few phone calls, some of the girls I went to High School with were going to be in town so I made some plans to catch up with them, and Martin came along as well :)

The night was grand lots of laughs, Mar didn't have such a good night. So I devoted my Sunday to cheering him up.. We drove aimlessly around, ended up at Jost, talked a lot, picked up some food in Amherst to bring homeand cook, watched Shooter, and a bit of Family guy and came home and crashed out!

Now, I am posting this, going to toss a few images here and up on Facebook and Kristin and I are giong to have a Birthday afternoon! She's 29 today and I'm 26! Woo

Vacation starts today - So hopefully I keep busy and have a few more things to update ya'll with!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Tuesday, bloody Tuesday....

Lesley, a girl I used to work with AGES ago, likely around 7 when we were still MITI was in town (We still keep in touch) so her and I went out to dinner last evening at Kramers (Bad idea, it did wonders on my system!) We caught up on the goings on in our lives and ended the evening with a Starbucks drink :)

Today was a relatively busy day at work. I am assigned some of my time to Kristin's current project she's PMing and its keeping me busy busy the last few days, but busy is good :) Mid way through the day I logged into my hotmail and saw I had an Email from Mat...... At the time I was talking with Kristin on internal MSN.... I was nervous to open the message... After her coaxing and her desire to know what was in the message I clicked on it.

The message was generic, written in french. Giving me his new work Email address, his new home phone (Which is Rogers I might add.... He loses points for that!) and his street address in Fredericton. So I replied to his Email and said I'd give him a ring tonight to chat.

We spoke on the phone for about 20 minutes, it was a pretty generic conversation, and I wanted to broach the subject about what happened on Sunday - But didn't. After the call ended I sent him a text message off, asking if he would be interested to go to Halifax to see the Buskers this weekend - 30 seconds later my phone rang. He wasn't too sure about going to the Buskers because he intended on staying in Fred for the weekend, but did invite me there. So I thought it was a good opportunity to braze the subject about Sunday's events.

We both seriously misunderstood each other, he took the fact of me going to the bar as throwing in the towel and not being interested (Which we all know wasn't the case) and I took him being possessive over me where really he was assuming I was throwing the towel in and he was a little hurt.

We both exchanged some very honest and open conversation about things, and got a clearer picture of things.

My food arrived and Mat was getting hungry, so we decided to put the conversation on hold and I am going to call him back in a few hours and we'll pick things up..... Looking positive again :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Help is on the way...

So, apparently my life is hard to follow at times. I talk about a lot of people in my blog, and I confuse my avid readers.

So I have devised a viso diagram of the interconnections at the suggestion of a reader.

Green Boxes - Dates/Relationships
Orange Boxes - Fictional Characters
Red Connections - How I met that person

As I introduce new people into my blog, I will be sure to post an updated version of "The 6 degrees of Kyle" You should be able to click here to view the full scale image.

A Little Nutty Maybe?!

I sure do have a thing for eventful weekends, it is some what impressive if I look at my last two. I believe if my summer continues I will take my blog and sell it to a movie writer to craft something up for "The Saga of..."

So Saturday AM I was pretty lazy all day and just bummed around the apt for a while, went out for some lunch and a coffee, watched some TBS movies. I also had sent Martin a message on Facebook, as Dawn and I had noticed that he hadn't been online in quite sometime, just checking if he was alive. Mid afternoon I phoned Phil and Shel to see what they were up to, of course, they were working on their kitchen. I suggested we go out for a drink after they finished up. I layed on the couch for a little while showered, and headed across the river. Before I left I got a call from Mat, he was telling me about his move and asked what my plans were for the evening.

Once at Phil and Shel's we decided we'd BBQ and have a couple of beer. Great, I love some BBQ and Beer. Hung out there until shortly after 9 and went home as I was half falling asleep in their chair. Once home I decided I might consider another beer, but the thought of drinking alone frightened me :( I was MSNing my buddy Todd, who also had two beer in him and was considering another, however was drinking alone as well. We decided to remedy that situation and drink at my place together to remove the "Drinking Alone" issues. We had a great time, tossed back a few beer, talked about Shirley Phelps (Go look the bitch up on you tube) We then decided we'd go to "The bar" for some dancing. Off we trekked, upon arrival I needed to pee like a race horse and Todd needed the bank machine. We decided to meet up at the ATM after my pee break. However, when I left the washroom I walked around the bar about 3 times and couldn't find Todd for the life of me, the panic of being at "The Bar" alone started to freak me out a little so I high tailed it outa there and walked home after spending 6 bucks on cover for being there 10 Minutes :( OH WELL!

Sunday morning I clung to my bed for a while and was awoken by my cell phone buzzing across my night stand - A facebook message, goodness I can't ignore that! So I log in, and had two messages from Martin. One explaining he was alive, and the other wishing we still kept in touch as he needed my ear. Two seconds later, he popped on MSN. We exchanged a few messages and decided we'd go for a drive to catch up on the last two weeks of our lives. The drive went well, we both had a lot to tell each other about the goings on in our lives and it was well needed. After and hour and a half I came home and got a call from Dawn asking me if I wanted to go to the beach! Absolutely! (Pictures to follow)

In my preparations for the beach Mat called me on my cell, I asked him about his first night in the new city. He told me he had a good night, he went out to "The Bar" in Fredericton with a buddy of his (Who he admittedly told me last week was quite interested in him, no matter I am okay with that) After explaining his night he asked me about mine. I told him about Phil & Shels, the bar with Todd. A silence came over the line... He was bothered by the fact that I went to Triangles, and questioned me on it. I started to think, you have to be kidding me right? You just told me YOU went to the gay bar in Fred with a boy who wants you and you're upset I went out here?! The math doesn't add up.... He then asked me what we were, so I explained I didn't really know as I got those mixed signals and assumed it was really nothing since he wasn't interested in a long distance thing. So he then explained his concern about me going out in Moncton, without him and that he guessed this was it!

WOW - NUTTY is all I have to say!

Headed out to the beach with Dawn, stopped for Clams at the Rendez-Vous (They upset my tummy :( ) Around 6 we ventured back into Moncton.

So, I got home, chatted with Martin for a while on MSN and he was quite concerned about some things going on in his life so I advised him he wasn't staying at home and he and I were going for a beer. We had a drink or two at Rouge, then went to the Old Triangle for a few more, had all kinds of conversation about things and realized we can't not be friends. Headed home around Midnight and crashed out.

Monday was a generic day, I went for a drive around Moncton with Serge, had some beaver tails and saw the most beautiful building lots in Moncton (Pictures will come tonight) Dawn called me in the afternoon and we decided to head to an early show and caught The Bourne Ultimatum - Great movie!

Then last night, I stopped into the office to chat with Carrie, tell her all about my weekend and enlighten her on the Phelps stuff on the Internet.

So, my weekend in 10,000 words or less..... A little nutty!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows....

Well... Sunshine, Beer and Dinner?

Friday.... I took a vacation day, to which I woke up at 7:30 am... Oh well, I watched a little bit of discovery, and just relaxed. Dawn MSN'd me mid morning and invited me over to soak up some of the wonderful sun on her deck that afternoon, so I packed up my supplies, and headed over.

Yea, its SPF 8, and I really didn't get that much color. We sat outside for about 3 hours chatting away and catching some of the great sun that showed up for the day!

Then we headed off to Costco to pick up some chicken boobs, and Canadian Tire to hunt down a lawn mower for Dawn. The boob run was successful, the lawn mower has been post poned.

Then around 7:30ish Mat came into town, and we ran over to the mall to pick up a few of the pictures I had printed for him of the previous day at the Dunes. We decided to have dinner at Pastalli on the patio, great idea it was a wonderful evening. The wine was good, the food was splendid. After dinner we came back here and sat and chatted for a while. Then the reality of things started to sink in a little. All the greatness of this week was going to come to a screeching halt after he left tonight, the Uhaul was packed and he was scheduled to hit the road around 7:30 Saturday morning.

The song of the evening was 1973, by James Blunt. Mat got me to Download it and put it on Repeat :P

We layed on my bed and talked, he confuses me a little from time to time. I get the impression he is very interested in me. Then he'll tell me he isn't interested in a long distance relationship. However, the next line would be he wants to see where things go and where life takes us. He isn't ready to jump just yet (Which is fine, nor am I) I just am not sure what he is thinking, are things going to continue?

The boy made my eyes well up (although he didn't see and doesn't know) We layed on my bed, listening to 1973 over and over. Then he started to list off things he liked about me the qualities I had that made him smile and be attracted to me, as he is going through them the reality slid back in. I met someone who I feel fits really well with me, makes me smile, is attractive. But, alas, is leaving town permanently.

I've made a conscious choice again, I am disappointed he's left town, but, if things are meant to be, they will be. I am not going to let myself get overly upset over the present. I met someone really great and had a window of opportunity to get to know him which I think I used quite well.

Hopefully I get to Fredericton to visit over August :)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Dunes & Ice Cream

So Thursday night, we decided to have supper at a bistro in Shediac. It was grand :) Then we drove out to Cocagne, left my car at his place and went off to the Dunes.

The Dunes turned into a photo shoot and he loves being infront of my camera LOL. FINALLY SOMEONE who likes it! Then we headed into a tiny little ice cream shop in Bouctouche. I made the mistake of picking the line with the family of 30 who were ordering and the mother kept telling the kids they did want sparkles on their ice cream. Mathieu is a bad influence and I had a hard time to keep myself from giggling like a little girl HAHA.

We drove to the Marina to finish off our ice cream and watch all the local drug deals going down. Then we took a drive back to Cocagne, and no joke down a road called "Lovers Lane" how cliche. We attempted to sit in the beach, however the flies had a different opinion :(

It was a great night, very easy to laugh and talk to, I am really enjoying this! Hopefully it will continue!

Here I am. Home for the night :) See some of the pics from the shoot below!

These two are my favorites!

I don't do so well on this side of the camera!!!! :(

Greatness... Superfantastic Even!

So, I have started an addiction to people wanting to be on the "in" and knowing whats going on in my life, rather, The Saga of....

Yesterday was a pretty standard day looking the office, and what I accomplished. After work I thought back to some of the conversation that Mat and I had and remembered him mentioning that he looooove choclate. So, as most of you know how kind I am (HA!) I went and bought some Godiva choclates to kiss ass a little, I also went and replenished some of my missing wine from my rack.

On my way back home Mat called to let me know he was on his way back from Frederiction and would be in Moncton shortly before 7. We decided to go to dinner, so I had time to take a run shower and get ready.

Really, I am sorry as I continue this story because it is hardly as eventful as my weekend - But some of you are pushing for an update!

He picked me up (Yes, he even has a car - I hooked a keeper thus far!) and we headed off to dinner. Random conversation over dinner about his day, the jerk starts a new Job with the Provincial Gov, and scored his own office.... With walls.... and a door... AND a window.... I belive I told him I hoped a pipe burst in it over the weekend :) LOL - Someday I will have a window! SOMEDAY!

After dinner, we headed back to my place, and all we did was sit on my couch talked about anything and everything and had a few glasses of wine. (The great thing is the conversation is really doesn't feel like a struggle) Also, I am getting a chance to practice my French, I was encouraged to speak French for the evening. His Niece and Nephew both currently only speak French and it is important to him that if things did go further that I am able to (Isn't that the sweetest thing...Such a nice uncle) Around 10:30 he realized his Mom would be wondering how is day in Frederiction went, so he phoned her to tell her he was going to stay over with me :) since he had a few glasses of wine, which also gave us the opportunity to finish off the bottle.

Not an extreemly eventful night, but I am pleased with the outcome. This afternoon when I leave work I am going to give him a ring and maybe head out to Cocagne for a bit this evening.

Now... The twist of the day, which I don't believe I have mentioned yet. The position he starts on Tuesday is with the provincial Gov't therefore is located in Frederiction, so Suzanne, maybe you and I will get to do lunch more often if I visit!

PS - Gussy was in NFLD! For those of you who are interested I believe there is a photo circulating of him flashing the harbor in St. John's, I'll see if I can aquire a copy of it. Those of you reading this who are unaware who Dr. Gussy Gregg Gustovin III is, my advice to you is not to ask and pretend you are none the wiser!

Dr Gussy In the flesh (This is a picture from one of the many trips we've had to the wonderful port city, when Gus has surfaced after bangin the hookers up by Chipman Hill Suites and tired to get a free room at the Delta)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Things have a way of working out

Its almost 11 on Tuesday, and I have a grin on my face. Mathieu and I had a lenghty conversation this evening. The outcome of that conversation is we both still want to get to know more about eachother.

Granted I was always still interested, I respected the fact that he was hurt or disapointed in the events that transpired over the weekend. So without promiting he suggested that he would still like to get to know me more. I agreed, however stood firm that by doing so - I didn't want to have to feel like he did me a favor or that I was indebted to him for that. He assured me that was not the case!

So he's off to Frederiction tomorrow for work, but is going to phone me on the way home and we'll touch base and plan something for the evening :) YAY!

Here's a picture I stole of him on Sunday night with my phone when we went out for drinks (Isn't he a cutie!?)

So tonight after work - I decided that I needed to occupy my time with some productive activities, so I went for a walk/run along the river path and out into Dieppe, a good hour and 20 minutes and lots of sweat I felt amaizing and still do afterwards. I am going to make an attempt to get out again tomorrow after work and before Mat gets back to Moncton!

I feel really good about things! One day at a time, and one step at a time.